The four steps to engaging Locate Buyers Agency

Buying a property is a major financial and emotional commitment. You will be outlaying hundreds-of-thousands (potentially millions) of dollars to secure an asset for your family’s future.

So, when it comes time to rely on professional assistance, you need to be certain the relationship between you and your buyers’ agent is rock solid.

Here at Locate Buyers Agency, we have four crucial steps in the client engagement process. These points of contact ensure the client is fully informed about our buyers’ agent process. They also help us confirm we can add value to the transaction and achieve the purchaser’s outcomes.

Here are our four steps for taking on a new client.

1. Initial call

This will be the first contact we make with a buyer once we have their details.

Clients come to use through various channels. Often its referrals via past clients or the affiliate professionals. There are also buyers who reach out directly via email or phone.

We get in contact with the prospective client to introduce who we are and what we do. It’s also an opportunity for us to learn what they want to achieve from the purchase. We need to be certain their requirements fall within our field of expertise.

2. Discovery call

The discovery call is where we gather a more detailed brief about what the buyer is seeking.

We’ll discuss what the property must include such as the number and size of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, preferred land size, work-from-home requirements, car accommodation, pool, fencing for pets and so on. Do they want a property with future development potential, or is a renovatable house of appeal?

It’s the “must haves” and “nice to haves” chat about their desired property.

We’re also curious about what the buyer has achieved to this point in their property search.

We’re especially keen to hear about any challenges they’ve encountered. Perhaps it’s been a lack of suitable listings, or maybe they’re having trouble assessing value. They might not be comfortable with negotiations or contracts.

We want to diagnose where the blockages and struggles are to ensure our skills are a good fit for their needs.

The discovery call is also when we outline our service and the fee structure too.

At the end of the call, there’s lots of information to digest so we encourage potential clients to take some time to think about what’s been discussed before drawing any conclusions.

3. Decisions call

This call is a short chat a few days after the discovery call so we can work through all the remaining queries and concerns. Those extra niggles that have arisen since our last contact. We can fill in any blanks you have so you’re fully informed about the professional engagement.

The end of this call is when the yes/no decision is made about working together to buy them a home or investment.

4. Signatory

This is the formal documentation part of proceedings where we present the buyers’ agency agreement so the buyer can engage us as their representative.

There are two forms to be approved and signed.

The first is a Form 6 which is the standard industry document that allows us to represent the client as an agent in a property transaction.

The second is our addendum to the From 6. This appendix is used because the standard Form 6 has been designed for selling agent engagement. As such, we set out some of the variations particular to buyers’ agency.

Once we have the clients electronic signature, we start the hunt for their real estate.

Purchasing a property is a major transaction. As a buyers’ agent, we want to ensure the process will be productive, seamless and even enjoyable. The four steps help us achieve these outcomes.